Bio-Clear™ Water Clarifier

(water soluble packet)

Bio-Clear™, Water Clarifier by Pond Biologics®

Create a clean, clear and healthy ecosystem, without the use of Chemicals! Pond Biologics®, Bio-Clear™ is a custom blend of natural bacteria and enzymes, designed specifically to reduce suspended organic debris and increase water clarity. Bio-Clear™ will also assist in the reduction of organic build up in ponds, lakes and waste water lagoons. Bio-Clear™ is environmentally friendly and has no water use restrictions. It is safe for humans, pets, fish, all wildlife and livestock.

Easy to Apply Water-Soluble Packets

  • Clarifies Water
  • Reduces Muck
  • Eliminates Noxous Odors
  • Non Pathoganeic
  • Apply once per month
  • 10 pound bucket contains 20, 8 ounce water soluble packets
  • 25 pound bucket contains 50, 8 ounce water soluble packets

Available in 10lbs, and 25 lbs buckets.



Product Image(10lbs)          Product Image(25lbs)

 Pond Size                Amount of Product

Initial Dosage:

1/4 surface acre                2 packets

1/3 surface acre                3 packets

1/2 surface acre                4 packets

3/4surface acre                 5 packets

1 surface acre                    6 packets

Maintenance Dosage:

1/4 surface acre                1 packet

1/3 surface acre                2 packets

1/2 surface acre                2 packets

3/4 surface acre                3 packets

1 surface acre                    3 packets


Apply Bio-Clear every 2-4 weeks. For aerated ponds or lakes, apply Bio-Clear once per month. You can apply in water temperatures as low as 38 degrees F.

Do not open individual packets. Apply Water-Soluble Packets directly to water.  Bacteria will disperse throughout the water on its own.